we've been living in a snow globe for the last 3 months.
**see previous posts
but yesterday.....was a FINE day and here's how it went down.......
slept in
had a bowl of Wheaties with a banana...yummm
visited with my mother and father in law
put together My Girl's trampoline with the help of my father n law
watched My Girl jump
got to see the BIG FAT HOG that Jimmy Earl caught
(seperate post to follow)
watched UP (must see movie) in the livingroom with the windows open
took a catnap with My Man
wormed and fed the cows
took some really sweet baby calf photos
and had a yummy dinner.
and for the record.....fried cabbage is waaaay underrated
have a lil look at our fun, fine day!!
one fine day......
it was enjoyed by all....
but i bet someone shakes the snow globe again......before spring actually arrives.