Monday, November 2, 2009

bff update...

remember my bff brandi?  she did get her braces on and as i said she would....she looks beautiful with braces.  she's the only girl i know that can look beautiful with braces. 

remember i threatened her with posting more pictures of her if she didn't tell me something?   well, she delivered and hopefully one day i can share that with you but for now i will keep it hush, hush, BUT just so you know......she is NOT pregnant with the world's 4th cutest kid on the planet.  it's something else...something i will tell you...later.

i told you that she was brilliant and i meant it.  she chose me as her bff right?  seriously, she is a brilliant artist.  she has a masters in teaching and she was an art teacher until she got a real job.  now she's a momma and a homeschool teacher.  she is teaching linc and berty to be brilliant too and she is still doing some painting.

last week when i went to her home i took some pictures (she does not know) and now i am posting them!!  i am posting them because i am proud of her and i want you to see what i saw in her kids playroom!

if you ask her........this is a work in progress.  if you ask me.......heck it looks finished!!  when she does complete this art  project....i will post the finished product! but for now.......take a look.

at the time i took these pictures i just took them to show My Man and My Mom but when i downloaded them i thought i am going to post these and share them with the world...or at least the 15 people who read my blog!  you would think that i should ask first but heck no!  i know her and she would want me to wait, but i know me and i figure she can't get too mad at me...we are BEST FRIENDS FOREVER.

i am so proud of her and a lil jealous too.  i thank GOD he put her in my path...I LOVE MY BFF!

and P. S. Brandi.....if i don't get my original B. R. for Christmas.....i will be FORCED to post the picture of all pictures!!!

what can i say...i'ma gal who knows how to get what she wants...and i will do it by force or bribery.


  1. That is a very cool my son's room doesn't seem so neat...just a little glazing and stickers...

  2. well my girl's room doesn't even have a theme and really there isn't a color scheme!! ol boring me!! :) at least you did SOMETHING lynette!
