Friday, February 5, 2010

reeeeeed riverrrrr....(singing it like the song....moon river)

me:  "yay, we just got back from skiing......."
people:  "o cool, where'dja go!!!!"
me:  "Red River"
people:  "o"
me (thinking in my head):  whatever snow snob!!

seriously...Red River has the same snow as all the other mountains.  its fresh, cold, white and fun.  BUT i guess its not as big as other mountains and parks so SOME PEOPLE aren't as enthusiastic about it as i am.  but here's why i love it so, so, very much.

i love it because its small.
i love it because its where i learned to ski (sorta).
i love it because its where our kids learned to ski and snowboard.
i love it because it has some really cool OLD lifts and even a new one.
i love it because you can walk everywhere you need to go (not that i do, but i could).
i love it because it is the home of the Sundance Mexican restaurant for the last 37 years.
i love it because everytime we go back there is someone we know and knows us.
i love it becasue it feels like our town....even if it is for only 5 days a year.

and here's proof of all these reasons.....

Red River 2010

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